Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Meet Grace Ameila, Our Little Piglet

This is Gracie!  She was the most beautiful baby, with huge deep brown eyes and a great set of lungs.  With her bald head and her pink skin she reminded me as a soft little newborn pig, so she has been dubbed Piglet!   Gracie was never an easy child, but once she could stand up, she was quite a handful!!!!!  In this picture, she is 6 months old and she somehow figured out how to climb to the counter and get a loaf of bread- I guess she was hungry and she wanted her lunch early!!!  She is a very determined child- she was so determined that she learned how to walk at 9 months!!!!

Gracie was always a very enthusiastic eater!!!!  I had to strip her clothing off of her before she ate because she was such a mess.  The child took at least 3 baths a day until she was 2 years old!

Gracie's love for the bathtub could have gone a little overboard!!!!  She was ALWAYS trying to get in the tub, and as you can see from the picture above, she was sometimes successful in getting into that tub!!!!!

This is one of my favorite pictures of our little piglet- you can just see the trouble glistening in those eyes!!!

The only way that we could keep Gracie from screaming was to let her have a pacifier.  We tried to take it away from her when she was two, but as you can see,  she found ways to get around her missing pacifier!!!  She is very resourceful!

Ummmmm... I have no words!!!  I cannot count how many times I  caught her  painting her face with different things- pudding, sour cream, ranch dip, icing, butter, toothpaste...  I think she even painted her entire body with Desitin once at my mom's house- sorry Giggie!!!

This is Gracie in her Easter dress... where else would she be but climbing a tree???  

Oh my!!!!!  She has always wanted to be a chef!!!  She was always trying to help me in the kitchen, as you can imagine- she is a huge help!!!!

Future bank robber????  Some kind of human scarecrow???  I'm not quite sure what she is, but she sure had fun with those stockings!!!!!

As you can see from the pictures above, Gracie is an energetic and fun little girl!!!!  She gets into so much trouble but she keeps us laughing!!!  Gracie is a binder in our family!!!  When the older girls are fighting over clothes, or the phone, Gracie is there to lighten things up with her humor and whit!  I'm sure that there will be a lot of Gracie Moments highlighted in this blog and I hope that you enjoy her as much as we do!!!! 


  1. Great pictures Jenn!!! I miss my little piglet!

  2. Cute Pics and cool blog, Following you now!

  3. She is so cute!
    New follower! Please follow back at
