Today I picked Harrison and Gracie up from daycare early as a "special treat"... what was I thinking????? I figured that they would play quietly while I did my last conference call of the day. WRONG!!!! They starting arguing as soon as we got in the car and preceded to fight all the way home. With 15 minutes until my impending call, I decided to find something for them to do that would be engaging enough to keep their attention for more than 2 seconds. I suggested various puzzles, art projects (all the art that I suggested was not messy enough for them), Tag Readers (books that they can read themselves with a special reading wand), and any Disney shows On-Demand. All of my suggestions were rejected but they decided that they wanted to play "Gold Fish." I got a deck of cards out, handed it to them and jumped on the phone, late to my call as usual. I watched them playing a very loose interpretation of Go Fish for about 10 minutes and I was glad that they were getting along well and happily playing together.
Once my call was over, I started to observe the game more closely. I heard Gracie say, "Harrison, ask me for a 4!' Harrison replied "Gracie, I don't have any 4's so I can't ask you for one, why do you want to get rid of your 4's anyway?" Gracie said, with a very stern look on her face "I just hated being four, my life was so hard back then. Mommy took all of my hidden pacifiers away for good and I had to go to full-day pre-k. My life was better once I turned five. I could sneak around better and do stuff without anyone noticing, like using the twins cheerleading make-up and throwing my trash behind the cushions of the couch when I don't feel like going to the trashcan (I was wondering who kept doing that). You are lucky that you are the baby, you are four, but you could still have anything you wanted if you just cried hard enough- you should try that!" Harrison listened intently as she spoke, took a few minutes to digest what she had said, and then retorted, "Grace, do you have any 4's?" God help me! Go fish...
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